Hradschanij is a city in a mood of turmoil,
writes William L Shirer. The scars of 1933 can be found on the streetcorners and doorways of the Old Town and the pockmarked barracks of the former National Gendarmerie. Then, for three days, a bitter battle was fought between troops loyal to Crown Prince Rudolf and the 1904 Constitution and the National Honour League led by Colonel Ritzkof. I watched from an upstairs window of the Europa Hotel as Jagers stormed the Gendarmerie barracks yard by yard and Putilov armoured cars patrolled the avenues leading to the Royal Palace. The FreeKorps of the Sword of Barovia, the armed wing of the League seized the Opera Royale where, it was rumoured Prime Minister Ferinoj was hiding with his mistress. They were ejected by the loyal sailors of the Danuj Flotilla in a dawn assault. Finally, as ammunition and resolve ran low, the surrenders and arrests began. Colonel Ritzkof was shot resisting arrest and his followers rounded up by the agents of the Royal Chancellor. Court martials followed and a numbers of officers shot and more cashiered, despite the pleas of Royal Duchess Sofia, the Crown Prince's niece.
Now, as the National Assembly has passed the Act of Indemnity, Dr Blaroj - the new leader of the National Honour League - has called for stronger action and reprisals against Sylvania. In the aftermath of the 1933 Crisis, Sylvania "intervened in the internal bankruptcy of Borogrovia" - an intervention which was fought off by the Jagers who had defeated the rebellious Gendarmerie.
One of the heroes of 1933, Colonel Gribinoj remains highly critical of the Chief of Staff, General Latka, calling him "a dolt and a witless old fool" and argues Dr Blaroj "should be shot like the treachorous dog he is".

As I write this, once again the shops are shutting and dusk is settling over Hradschanij. It may be a long night and who knows what the dawn may bring."
William L Shirer, Hradschanij, Borogrovia